Workplace injuries can be serious and may require specialised orthopaedic care. We provide comprehensive treatment through WorkCover to help you recover from this distressing experience.

Injuries in the workplace remain all too common. In 2021-22, nearly 500,000 Australians experienced a workplace injury (and those numbers were lower than usual due to COVID-19 restrictions).

A workplace injury may involve:

  • Physical pain and mobility limitations
  • Mental and emotional distress
  • Financial worries.

If you’ve been injured at work, you’ll already know what a wide-ranging impact it can have. We’re here to help.

WorkCover treatment at The Bay Orthopaedic and Fracture Clinic

We provide comprehensive care and treatment for many common workplace injuries.

Workplace cuts and wound treatment


Workplace fracture treatment


Workplace finger and hand injury treatment

Finger and hand injuries

Workplace shoulder injury treatment

Shoulder injuries

Workplace knee injury treatment

Knee injuries

Workplace foot injury treatment

Foot injuries

Depending on the nature of your injury, treatment may involve:

  • Surgery
  • Injections
  • Physiotherapy
  • Hand therapy
  • Input from a specialist pain medicine physician.
Dr Navi Bali - orthopaedic surgeon in Hervey Bay standing in front of knee xrays

Why choose us for your WorkCover care?

Nothing to Pay

  • We bill directly to WorkCover for approved cases meaning you don’t have any out-of-pocket expenses

     Fast treatment

  • All cases are triaged within 24 hours
  • Emergency theatre availability and consultations daily

     Comprehensive service

  • Help with WorkCover documentation
  • Friendly, efficient, high-quality service

     Experienced orthopaedic surgeon

  • Dr Navi Bali is an experienced orthopaedic surgeon serving the communities of Hervey Bay, Maryborough and Bundaberg.

Accessing our services

You may be referred to us by:

  • The hospital emergency department
  • Your GP


In 2021-22, fractures accounted for 8.2% of workplace injuries (a fracture is a broken bone).

Your bones are strong and can bend a little when force is applied. If the force is too great, though, the bone may crack, break or shatter.

Signs and symptoms of fractures

If you’ve fractured a bone, you may experience:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising or discolouration
  • Weakness
  • Difficulty moving the limb.

You may also notice that the limb looks odd. If you’ve sustained an open fracture, the bone may be visible through the skin and there may be bleeding.

Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a fracture.

Types of fractures

Common fracture types include:

  • Stable fracture – the bone is broken but not displaced (its ends line up neatly)
  • Compound/open fracture – the skin is broken and the bone may (or may not) be visible. Infection is a real concern.
  • Transverse fracture – the fracture line is horizontal
  • Oblique fracture – the fracture is on an angle
  • Comminuted fracture – the bone has shattered into at least 3 pieces.

Treating a fracture

To diagnose and treat a broken bone, Dr Bali may:

  • Examine you
  • Order X-rays to show clear images of your bone
  • Decide if surgery is necessary – many fractures can be set without surgery but it is required in some cases
  • Immobilise your bone in a cast or splint for several weeks.

Once the cast is removed, Dr Bali may recommend physiotherapy to help you regain your strength and range of motion.

All information is general and not intended as a substitute for professional advice.

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